White, Brown and Potentially Deadly

If we are healthy our blood carries an average of one teaspoon of glucose at all times. One of insulin’s roles is to keep this balance going. In “A Spoonful of Sugar, ” Dr. Michael Eades, discusses the importance of this number and the implications of the kinds of food we eat, especially if we are pre-diabetic or diabetic.  The difference of just 1.42 grams is more than one can imagine.

If you run the calculations for 126 mg/dl, the amount of sugar in the blood of someone just over the line into the diagnosis of diabetes, you find out that it is 6.25 grams, or 1 1/4 teaspoon. So, the difference between having a normal blood sugar and a diabetic blood sugar is about a quarter of a teaspoon of sugar.

Sometimes we don’t realize that simple choices such as the type of bread we eat (if one even eats bread) can impact blood glucose levels.


Notice that number of teaspoons each of the kinds of slices of bread creates in our system. Paying attention can have an impact. Now look at common foods and their impact.

Become curious about your meals. Aim for healthier options. Don’t be fooled by the word “healthy” in packages. Educate yourself for greater health!


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