
I am a mindful movement and writing teacher who focuses on helping others discover their voice, passion, and heart. My primary work over the past two decades has been to joyfully invite disruptive spaces within the unlikely environment of institutional education to allow heart, mind, and soul to emerge for brief periods of time in a dance of learning.

Teaching for me is a performance art that acknowledges that performer and audience are equal participants in the artistic process of meaning making.

Currently, besides teaching at Miami Dade College, I’m experimenting with creating learning possibilities in small neighborhood settings through teaching yoga, life coaching, and leading retreats. I also work with an amazing organization called Exchange for Change. Through them I am able to work with individuals who are incarcerated. As different as each of these settings and groups of people seem to be, I realize we all suffer, we all seek after the same things, and together and with patient kindness we can alleviate our personal and collective suffering.