
This past week was amazing. So many of you showed up to yoga, bootcamp, and small group classes! We are excited to see the commitment and energy you bring.  Let us know what you enjoyed and what you are looking forward to next week. We love reading your comments.

Notice the Good

We often can  go through our day and miss the beauty in our surroundings. Today can be different. A simple practice today may be to expect wonder, to notice the good and beautiful, and expand the habit of joy. [tribe_events]

Costly to Body and Self

Change is something we resist. It makes sense. Change is often costly to the body and self. Resisting or avoiding rapid change seems instinctual or protective. As I’ve gotten older, I can see this more clearly. I often do things a certain way because it has worked in the past. When confronted with a different… Continue reading Costly to Body and Self

The Dreaded Scale

Every week we have people step on the scale at our little gym and check their progress. This moment is often dreaded. The scale does not lie. However, it is often misleading. Here’s what we have seen. People often who go on diets and lose a lot of weight quickly,  gain it back, and then become… Continue reading The Dreaded Scale

Six Months

The source of my breath–pathway through fear revealing the courage to share myself, to let that which is centered, whole & free find its way in my body, mind & speech–Sitting still among the jagged rocks of senseless chatter and stimulation, finding a gentle smile of deep acceptance, love & joy–Letting go of the weight that hinders movement & soul–Stretching up and down & all… Continue reading Six Months

Cuban Pancakes

Brown, yellow, green, short and stubby, thin and long. They come in so many varieties. What to do with plantains? I’m at the market and my mind creates an image of a plate with tostones (smashed fried green plantains), mariquitas (smaller and thinner smashed green plantains), and fufu de platanos (mashed green plantain with loads of garlic and… Continue reading Cuban Pancakes