The Buddha in the Hell Realm: How Finding Her May Help You Come Back to Health

The room closed in on me. My fingertips went numb. My heart raced. I was teaching a late night class at the college.  We were discussing the series _Weeds_. I wasn’t high. But I knew something was wrong. I ended class early, and with effort made it outside and sat down trying to figure out what… Continue reading The Buddha in the Hell Realm: How Finding Her May Help You Come Back to Health

Categorized as Healing

What happens when we let go of hope altogether?

“I killed my boyfriend.” “I’m never getting out.” RB walked into class and said this matter of fact. The cavernous room with the untiled floor and walls painted bugger green was 65 degrees. The tropical South Florida heat outside was at least 95. The contrast in temperature somehow paralleled the experience of hearing RB. I’m… Continue reading What happens when we let go of hope altogether?

Categorized as Healing