Wanting the same things

We were leaving the park after a wonderful afternoon of catching up with friends and spotted this Macaw and child enjoying themselves. We all want the same things: We all want to be free.

Categorized as Healing

Practicing Gratitude

Yesterday I cleaned our front door. It’s a beautiful hardwood door. I had not oiled it in some time. As I removed the dirt and began the apply the oil, I realized how important it is to take time to cleanse the residue of experiences that may cloud our view of life. Doing so doesn’t… Continue reading Practicing Gratitude

Categorized as Healing

Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation

Hi everybody. Please join me this Tuesday, November 9 for a four-week introduction to mindfulness training class. This is the second offering of this class and we are excited to share it with you. Mindfulness meditation has many benefits. These include greater resilience, less reactivity to the things that press your buttons, and and overall… Continue reading Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation

Meditation Obstacles

patience in meditation practice Everything about our culture trains us from Day 1 to achieve prescribed outcomes by certain stages of our lives. If we don’t meet those standards, we are often given some sort of remediation. Think of schools these days! This concept gets more engrained and out of balance as we uncritically assume… Continue reading Meditation Obstacles

Categorized as Healing

Mindfulness Meditation Classes

I heard the question on the flyer from meditation teacher, Tara Brach. It startled me and helped me better appreciate the power of mindfulness meditation practice. Mindfulness meditation is about awakening to what is and not turning away. It is a simple practice with powerful consequences. The practice is accessible, perfect for anyone living during… Continue reading Mindfulness Meditation Classes

Categorized as Healing

A good night’s sleep

Getting a good night’s sleep has been a challenge for me. Since I shattered my elbow three years ago, my sleep has not been quite the same. I often need to adjust myself during the night because I feel discomfort. Because of that, I’ve become much more aware of what can help me get the… Continue reading A good night’s sleep

Categorized as Healing