
Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up. Do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wastelands. –Isaiah

On this first message of the new year, Maribel and I want to write directly to you about faith. No, we are not trying to convert or change you. Instead, we call out to you wherever you are to look at the year ahead as an invitation to go deep within and explore and name your heart’s desire.

If what you want is greater health, more peace of mind, more energy to love and serve, these are all things that are at your reach and can be attained through practice. But without faith, the practice is not possible. Faith will  not give you what you want, but it will empower you to work and walk toward what you want.A couple of years ago I read Viktor Frankl’s Man’s Search for Meaning. In that amazing text, Frankl recounts his experience in Auschwitz and what he learned. Here’s a hint at his discovery:

Those who survived were not the strongest. Those who survived were the individuals who somehow were able to make meaning out of their suffering.

We are meaning making animals. Without meaning we die. Meaning is something we create, but it only occurs when there’s the seed of faith. Without that powerful seed, the tree of meaning does not grow, take root, or bear fruit.

Why this reminder right now? Clearly, this is a good time to think about such things. In fact, every day is a good day to think about such things and to activate our faith. But as we start the year, we may be more open to such possibilities.

How do we strengthen our faith?

Isaiah offers some clues:

  • Let go of the past.
  • See the new.
  • Change perception.
We invite you to walk with us in faith this year. Join us as together we grow stronger, more capable, and experience the joy that comes from being in alignment with life itself.

Here’s another basic principle to strengthen one’s faith. Without action, faith shrinks away. Faith is a muscle that grows with resistance and repetition. This means that without a physical expression, faith atrophies.

Join us this week. Believe. See for yourself.


We are so excited about this. Join us for one hour of focused breathing, stretching, and relaxation. If you have never been to a yoga class before, don’t be intimidated. It’s an all-levels class designed to help you reduce stress and cortisol levels, gain flexibility, strength, and a deep sense of peace. Monday-Thursday, 7-8 PM, Continental Park (Dice House) 10001 SW 82 AVE

Boot Camp

We restart our weekday boot camp at Continental Park. There’s no better way to stimulate mood, shed some calories, and feel really good than working out in the sunshine. Each day we will have a finely tuned workout routine designed to get your heart rate up and you faith working. Tuesday & Thursday, 5-6 PM, Continental Park (Field) 10001 SW 82 AVE


    1. Carlos Gonzalez – Miami – Carlos Gonzalez teaches meditation and yoga. He works with words, images, and the body. Carlos is a spell caster--an educational shaman whose core mission is to share with others skills and tools to transform grief into a source of possible beauty, vulnerability into strength, and fear into wonder.
      Carlos Gonzalez says:

      Yes! All stories are limited and limiting. Powerful insight and invitation to practice.

    2. Mahnaz, ahhhhhh. I just realized the connection. Thank you for the Rumi! He and Hafiz are constant companions. We saw pictures of Kelly and Amir’s visit. Family is an amazing gift! Wishing you all the best!

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