Breakfast in a box makes you hungrier!

Researchers confirm that high carbohydrate and low fat breakfast meals are not the best choice for anyone who is trying to lose weight.

In a 2014 research study they conclude that

… a moderately HC/LF breakfast meal resulted in higher postprandial insulin, a more rapid acute rise and fall in peak glucose concentration, lower glucose concentrations hours following the meal, and more hunger at 3 and 4 hours after meal consumption. Importantly, the earlier rise and fall in circulating glucose, rather than the concentration of glucose per se, explained the earlier return of hunger following the HC/LF meal. This pattern describes a potential mechanism to explain why increases in meal frequency have occurred in the US concomitantly with increased carbohydrate and reduced fat content of diets.

Source: Return of hunger following a relatively high carbohydrate breakfast

If you are thinking about optimizing your meal choices for weight loss, start with your breakfast choices.

Contrary to all of the advertising, even the healthiest of breakfast cereals are a processed food, an invention of the 20th century and an unwise choice for the first meal of the day.

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