Can you start a yoga practice later in life?

I recorded this morning yoga practice to give a behind the scene look at what a regular yoga at 55 looks like for me. I have some limitations with my right arm and definitely noticing the changes that come with growing up.

I share this because my practice may not look like the Instagram yoga poses out there. It may not be aesthetically appealing, but it sure feels good. Yoga is a highly personal practice. It is meant to serve us at every point of our lives, helping us settle in and find the space necessary to show up in this beautiful and often challenging world.

If you are interested in developing your own practice, for your own body and particular needs, come to our community yoga sessions. This is a great way to get a taste. (Getting some one-on-one instruction is also good. ) Our time together is meant to help you do just that. No matter your ability to stretch or move, there’s always something there that can be of service. Yoga is not merely for the flexible, lean, and young. It’s for everyone, especially achy, stiff, and still sexy human beings of a certain age.

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