No Kilts Necessary

Every week we have one or two new people join our yoga practice at the Dice House.  I’m always impressed by people who come for the first time. There are so many reasons to stay home instead of walking in to a yoga class for the first time. Too often, the first thing I hear from these folks as they come to us is that they are not flexible. I’m not surprised. In fact, this is probably the first thing I hear from the majority of people who ask me about yoga. It seems that in people’s minds flexibility is a prequesite for practicing.

Unfortunately, this preconception is often solidified by images of very fit and flexible young people “performing” yoga poses in social media platforms such as Instagram or Facebook. 

These images, though often meant to inspire, too often turn many away from picking up the practice of yoga and reaping the benefits.

Those who may not be fit, young, or flexible (or wear kilts or yoga pants) don’t consider developing their own yoga practice because of this false belief in the need for a flexible toned body. (We live in a youth obsessed culture that really does not know what to do with aging.)

In the past year or so Maribel and I have been privileged to offer yoga primarily to neighbors who thankfully put aside any preconceptions about flexibility, fitness, or body type and decided to begin where they are and develop a personal practice. 

We now are a core group of 10-15 people, mostly past their 40’s who for the first time are incorporating this ancient practice. We are excited to see this happen and want to encourage more to join and those who are already with us to continue and deepen their practice.

The benefits of mindful movement synchronized with the breath are many. Yogis have been describing these for the past several thousand years. Science is now catching up. Notice what a recent Harvard Medical School article has to say about the potential heart health benefits of this practice.

We write this post for you to encourage you in your journey. Join us this week for practice, and if you can, let us know in the comments a little bit about how yoga has impacted your life.

    1 comment

    1. I want to thank carlos, maribel and Miami Firm Body for helping me over the last year to become a better person both inside and out — the strength within me has been awakened thru my minimum twice weekly visits to the little Dice House and your home offerings and my spirit has quieted a bit! The yin and the yang! Thanks, you guys. Namaste 🙏🏻

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