Do you suffer from lower back pain?

Most of us experience lower back pain at some point in our lives. For many, the pain arises from sitting for prolonged periods of time. If that’s your case, we can add a little movement in the body to alleviate and maybe address the issue.

The following yoga flow is meant to address common lower back discomfort or pain by focusing on inviting greater spine mobility and releasing tension in the psoas and hips. We start and end the class with a short body scan. This meditative practice is also important as it trains us to notice tension and the release of tension in the body.

We often get into trouble with our bodies because we have lost our ability to notice what the body is telling us through sensory feedback. Unfortunately, we begin to pay attention when something hurts. Meditation can help us pay attention before we reach a pain threshold. Enjoy.

By Carlos Gonzalez

Carlos Gonzalez teaches English at Miami Dade College and yoga and wellness in the community through Miami Firm Body, the company he co-founded with his wife, Maribel. He works with words, movement, and the body. His calling is to invite others to join him in the joy of searching within and finding the strength and courage to walk toward wholeness. Carlos is a spell caster, an educational trickster whose core mission is to transform grief into a source of possible beauty, vulnerability into strength, and fear into wonder.

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