Two Middle-Aged Teachers

In the summer of 2015 Maribel and I sat down and decided we wanted a bit of fresh air in our professional lives. Reinvention was on our minds. We saw that all of our adult lives our work has centered around helping people. This has been deeply gratifying and at times frustrating because we have mostly done so within the structure of institutions such as schools, colleges, or churches. (There’s safety in these places as well as some big limitations.)

Itching for a Challenge

As we both entered the depth of our middle-age, we itched for a challenge and a bit more space to really do what we have dreamed. So this summer we took a step in that direction and created Miami Firm Body, a holistic wellness business that seeks to connect with people who want to live and feel their best.

In this process of reinvention, we surprised ourselves and did not create a non-profit. No, we created a money making business that would pay us for the body/soul work we want to do. This last sentence was hard to write! The thought of making a living providing a useful service and getting paid directly by the people we serve is radical for us. But there it is. We are reworking our own story of work and money.


So there you go. You are witnessing the reinvention of two sexy middle-aged people who want to make a difference, do really good work, and make a modest income. Our goal and our joy is to help you live a more fulfilled and joyful life as we, ourselves, wrestle and work out our own challenges, insights, and blessings, while inviting more deliciousness and flavor in the process.

We want to offer you and others what has worked for us: eating well, fitness, mind/body work and tremendous doses of kindness, compassion, and humor. In practical terms, we want to provide one of a kind cooking classes, personalized fitness, and yoga/meditation along with life coaching. You are the first to know this in this public way, but we figured it was time to give our dream some air by sharing it with you.

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