Off the Path

We parked on the side of the road, walked through the broken down chain linked fence and soaked for a couple of hours in a flowing creek fed by hot springs all made possible by the heat of Earth’s powerful creative energy.

As I looked at my son’s face, all I could feel was the joy of life washing over me. This small scene, a beautiful counterbalance to my experience with panic and anxiety from my last post. Life is flow is the constant reminder. 

Like the Chollin, life washes over us. If we learn to settle in to our bodies, we find that we are in good company–always have been. The waters become warm and relaxing, every bit of tension released. 

As we begin our journey home from Costa Rica, I take with me this magical dip, and remember that the practice of living is one where every so often we take ourselves off the path, walk through the gates, and embrace the warmth of creation all around and in one another. 

Peace and love. Pura vida. 

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