Sunday Inspiration

I came across this Twitter thread from Martin Heavy Head this morning and wanted to share it. Sometimes we need a reminder and a story to make the embers of our faith and hope glow with the fire of life.

  • An Old Man from our Tribe had gotten sick and was in a coma. He wrote a lot of powwow songs his whole life. His songs became so popular that they’re sung at different powwows, and mistaken for traditional songs. He knows they’re his songs…
  • So anyway, he had fallen ill, and his Family was around him. While he was in a coma, he was dreaming. He was in dark deep water, and all of these things came around him, like Fish, but not Fish. they surrounded him, and told him they were his songs.
  • There were hundreds of them swimming around him and one came close to him, and said “Sing me! I’ll help you!” and in the dream he started singing.
  • He came out of the coma singing that song while his Family was all around him. He told them what happened right then. lol
  • I wanted to tell that story because it makes me think of what we create, and what stays. What we bring into the world from the world of thought. From the Dreamworld. That ethereal space where numbers exist, where songs are alive, where there are thoughts and creations, waiting.
  • I think that thoughts and creations are out there waiting for the right person to bring them into the world. The idea finds the conduit, and comes into the world through that conduit. Take that as you will.
  • Regardless of that, what we create remains. Someone will sing our songs after we’re gone. Read our words. View our art. Live in what we build. So in THIS moment, what you’re creating….is it the best it could be from the best parts of you?
  • Can it live, and bring you out of the darkness?

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