Being Fully Alive


I woke up today and was feeling fine, but later during the day, I felt depressed.


Me, too.


I drove to yoga class tonight and saw all of these houses with lights and decorations and did not feel any joy in any of it.


What is it about this time that gets us down?


Maybe it has to do with the sense that during the holidays we are supposed to reconnect with Jesus  being born a poor refugee in a manger, and instead, we are pushed toward an embrace of affluence and excess.


So went our conversation last night after dinner.

Maribel and I looked at each other and realized that in naming our sense of despair, we immediately felt better. Doing so allowed us to tap into our hearts and our deepest desire to feel and be fully alive. Opening up to our own sense of meaninglessness, welcomed us into the possibility of something other than loss and pain.

We woke up today a little bit more renewed. She taught, I graded essays, and later in the morning, we both took a little break to work out.


We share this little bit of our story to let you know that you are not alone. We encourage you to reconnect this season with what is real. Love yourself fully.

Joy and peace to All!

Join us this week!


Categorized as Mind, Heart

By Carlos Gonzalez

Carlos Gonzalez teaches English at Miami Dade College and yoga and wellness in the community through Miami Firm Body, the company he co-founded with his wife, Maribel. He works with words, movement, and the body. His calling is to invite others to join him in the joy of searching within and finding the strength and courage to walk toward wholeness. Carlos is a spell caster, an educational trickster whose core mission is to transform grief into a source of possible beauty, vulnerability into strength, and fear into wonder.

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