Inviting Us In

After years of running most days, I’ve decided to give it a rest and instead walk. My motivations are varied. I’ve intensified my personal yoga practice in the last couple of months and realized that running tightens up my hips and hamstrings counteracting the benefits I experience on my mat. I also have been nursing a sore knee and some time away from the road seems like a good idea. 

But I did not want to completely let go of the benefits of cardio exercise and so I picked up walking. It’s definitely adifferent experience from running, slower, more patient, less heart pumping, but I’m finding tremendous pleasure in the shift. 

Today I stopped by this bougainvillea bush aflame in color. Slowing down let me to notice it, helped me turn to wonder, and allowed me to have an opportunity to appreciate that no matter what is going on, there are little and big reminders that there’s a beauty in life that heals, opens up our hearts, and invites us in rather than leaving us out.

How about you? Are you walking? Running? Noticing?



  1. Such a gorgeous tree! What a special gift and delight to be able to enjoy that as you exercise.

    I try (TRY, being the operative word) to practice mindfulness in everything that I do. As they say, “take time to stop and smell the flowers.” It is often difficult to focus on the beauty and blessings around us in our perpetually “technologically tuned in” society and lives.

    Thank you so much for noticing, apreciating, and sharing the natural beauty and elegance of your surroundings – and enabling ME to enjoy the same through your writing.

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