A Meditation Program for Open Hearted Living
Join me for a 12-week meditation course where we learn and practice the basics of mindfulness meditation.
Program Starts September 20.
This is a unique course. The program pairs a cohort of meditators who are incarcerated in the women’s prison in Homestead with with a cohort of non-incarcerated people-you and me.
The program will run simultaneously. Each Monday I will meet with the women at the prison, and on Tuesdays I meet with the group outside via Zoom.
Both groups will go though the same training and will explore mindfulness meditation as a form of radical acceptance–the practice of embracing our lives as they are without condition.
Together we will explore how meditation can help us befriend not just the parts of our lives that are outwardly lovable but also those parts we often don’t show anyone else, especially ourselves.
This class is an invitation to return to our hearts and each other, and experience the goodness that has always been there.
When you join, you’ll receive:
- 12, 75-minute live sessions via Zoom
- a weekly letter exchange with your meditation partner in prison
- a recording of each of the sessions
- access to a 20-minute weekly practice via Zoom on Friday mornings
- a weekly letter exchange with a meditation partner who happens to be incarcerated
- caring support from the community and myself
*Please note that you don’t have to participate in the live sessions, although this is highly recommended.
What Participants are Saying about this Course
My experience with the mindfulness course led by Carlos was profound. Meditation itself provides the benefit of a new perspective that arises from one’s self-observation. In this respect Carlos’ skillful means as an instructor, his compassion, and his depth of practice make him a joyful guide in the journey of self-discovery.
This in and of itself made the course worthwhile. But in addition, we corresponded with incarcerated individuals whose exposure to reality and unvarnished sharing of it pierced my heart and inspired my spirit.
Finding new perspective within oneself is irreplaceable. But to truly be given the benefit of new perspective from the example of others is rare. This is what was given to me by my writing partners. I’m deeply grateful for this experience.
Rick L., Arizona
I’m so grateful to life for this amazing mindfullness writing journey! Such a unique, powerful, eye-opener, loving experience, with such a wise and caring teacher! I couldn’t ask for a better life learning process, guided with love and patience by Carlos. And shared with beautifulI human beings. Would definitely recommend it!
If life brought you to this point take a chance! I certainly did and feel blessed for it.
Angeles, Chile
It was the first time I’d gotten into meditation but every aspect of the course was understandable for me as a beginner,though I believe it would be beneficial to anyone with any amount of experience meditating.
The external resources were wonderful as well, and I could tell every class I took impacted my everyday life.
The letter exchange program was an amazing tool for personal development, and I really grew to care for my writing partners, and the conversations we had in class were very helpful and stimulating.
Without a doubt I’ll be taking the course again this fall,I can’t wait!
Milly T., Mexico
This course was a very powerful experience; weeks later I’m still processing insights about myself, other people, the world… It had very practical lesson on the skill-building part of meditation as a practice and deep explorations and discussions on the more emotional components that come up through the letter writing. Immensely grateful for Carlos, his service, the rest of my cohort.
Mara G., Washington, D.C.
I first came across Carlos’ meditation class on social media just as I was searching for a course to deepen my interest in meditation. The description of the course said it offered a unique perspective of freedom through the lens of an incarcerated person.
The idea of being paired with an incarcerated woman to exchange letters with intrigued me right away as a rare opportunity to connect with another human being with a very different perspective from mine.
I was also a bit scared, not really knowing what to expect. After speaking with Carlos who was so kind and generous, I went into the class with an open mind. What I found actually blew my mind. From the beginning I found my heart expanding in ways I did not expect.
What a pleasure to connect with the other students in the class, lovely like-minded people and fellow travelers. Through the different meditation techniques, I found a bottomless wellspring of abundance inside myself and a natural out-flowing surge of forgiveness for myself and everyone in this crazy world.
I learned to drop the pretense or the story I was telling myself and just trust my pure authentic self to come through, beyond judgement and resistance, where the beauty and divinity in all beings resides.
By sharing myself authentically with a person in very different circumstance from myself I learned that I could go past the outer appearances that often keep us humans separated from one another. I learned that what I often perceived was not always what actually is.
What I thought of as nothing special about me is more than enough and even valuable to my writing partner. I learned that a person can be physical incarcerated but mentally liberated and physically free in the world but caged in their own mind. There is real connection offered through sharing our experiences with meditation practice, thoughts about the course reading and our daily lives.
My writing partner shared with me what her life is like inside, what brings her joy, the value of human connection, and how to appreciate the little things in life. It felt like a true privilege to be invited into someone else’s world with no expectations except for me to just meet them where they are and share my authentic self, my true being.
The experience really deepened my own personal practice and increased my creativity. I am grateful and inspired to spread the word about this soul-growing, eye-opening, heart expanding unique mindful meditation course and I’m looking forward to future course offerings from Carlos.
Susana F., Florida Keys
The experience with the course was both humbling and heart opening. Writing letters with two women in the prison was such a practice in connecting with the humanity of another person beyond the societal constructs in which we typically live. The book we read was insightful and captured the theme of the figurative and tangible suffering and liberation that connected all participants, in and out of the prison system.
Carlos holds an incredible space of empathy and guides us as participants to deepen into greater awareness of the issues related to the industrial prison complex and the mindfulness practice, over time. It is a gentle experience with plenty of space to communicate and process any emotions along the way. His teaching is such a gift to receive!
Christina S., Miami
I loved the format for the Mindfulness Meditation course. It was relaxed, interactive and delivered in a way that made meditation practical and useful. I will use the tools I learned in class and noticed the difference my practice has made in me as well as how I relate to others.
Part of this course that makes it unique, is the interaction we had with the Exchange for Change letter writing program. At first, I was not sure if I would enjoy it but it turned out to be the part of the course that connected me and provided a heartfelt understanding of the fact that no matter where we are in our journey, we retain our humanity and the need for community.
Carlos is a fantastic educator. He shares his wisdom and technique for mindfulness meditation in a humble and approachable manner. Completing this course, I leave more intuitive and with more awareness and grateful for the privilege of being a student always.
Maggie P., Orlando
- September 20
- September 27
- October 4
- October 11
- October 18
- October 25
- November 1
- November 8
- November 15
- November 22
- November 29
- December 6
Each session will start at 8 PM and run for 75 minutes and be recorded via Zoom. Missing a session is not a problem as long as you keep up with your weekly letter.
Friday mornings we will have a community meditation sit at 7 AM via Zoom. These are optional but recommended.
Each week you will exchange a letter with a person who is incarcerated at the Homestead prison.
These letters could be about a page in length. You determine the level of exchange you want to have. The theme of the letters will be based on our class discussions, readings, and experiences with meditation.
The cost of the 12-week course is $285.
This is based on an estimated 4-6 hours per week of work I need to put in to plan and deliver the material.
One of the aspects of the course that is most time consuming is the processing of the letters. I need to read each letter that you send to the women at the prison and each letter that is written by them to you. This ensures that Exchange for Change, the non-profit that offers the courses I teach at the prison, can certify that all communication we have follows protocols set up by the Florida Department of Corrections.
I recently became a grandfather. I want to work on leaving my grandchildren a world that is less violent and more affirming and conducive of human flourishing.
This course is an outgrowth of that desire. It is meant to help us be more at ease and skillful with ourselves and those around us.
I understand that in order for experiences like this one to be available, they need to be done in a sustainable manner. Understanding that your payment provides a little bit of time for me to offer this course may make your contribution an easier one to make.
If you are unable to pay because of financial hardship, please don’t let the cost of the course deter you. Pay what you can.
No one will be turned away.
If you are willing to pay a little more, please consider doing so. This will go a long way in offering those who can’t the possibility of having these opportunities.
If you would like to speak with me regarding the class, please don’t hesitate to reach out and let me know a number where I can reach you.