This morning our friend Carole Bernstein surprised us with four cards of affirmation. Every Sunday we meet her and her husband Bob at the Jewish Community Center near our house. Maribel plays racquetball with them while I workout and practice yoga. Two hours later we meet a couple of other friends at a nearby breakfast shop and chat over bagels and coffee.
Having this experience every Sunday has become my spiritual practice. There’s always something to take home that deepens my sense of being. Carole’s cards this morning were a teaching on gratitude, big heartedness, and pure love. With just a few words she reminded both Maribel and me about kindness and goodness, about living generously and sharing what matters with those around us.
Our Sundays have become a hybrid workout session/Sunday church/Shabbat service. Our weekly ritual feeds our souls and brings joy to our hearts. More significantly, it lifts our gaze to see one another and affirm that love is real.
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