If you soak a sponge in honey, you squeeze it and honey comes out. If you soak a sponge in vinegar, you squeeze it and vinegar comes out. David Nichtern A student sent me a message letting me know that our school food pantry was working with Miami Rescue Mission collecting women’s sport’s wear along… Continue reading Soaking a Sponge in Honey
Category: Heart
Permission for Ease
Asking ourselves what we need right now to be at ease is a simple and powerful practice to undo stress and tension that bogs us down.
Belonging to a community linked to longevity
Belonging to a community is often linked to longevity. When that community does not exist, we can create one. Look around. We are one. Join us.
Less like exercise. More like prayer.
There are moments in the practice when we meet ourselves in loving silence and our stories of loss, regret, and sorrow become just that, stories.
See who is in there with you.
“Know the river has its destination. The elders say we must let go of the shore, push off into the middle of the river, keep our eyes open, and our heads above water. And I say, see who is in there with you and celebrate. At this time in history, we are to take nothing… Continue reading See who is in there with you.
The Blessing of Uncertainty
It’s not clear to me how I came to this understanding that what I’m doing in the classroom is working on myself, but it’s a realization that happened early in my work. Writing this last sentence is an admission of sorts. I don’t know how many of my fellow teachers see it or experience teaching… Continue reading The Blessing of Uncertainty
Unexpected Grace
These past couple of months have been tremendously powerful. The day of my accident I met my surgeon, a fellow Yogi. He took an extraordinary amount of time not just to talk with me regarding my surgery, but surprisingly and graciously shared his love of yoga and connection to a tradition that is thousands of… Continue reading Unexpected Grace
Hit the Play Button
A group of six young people and me, their teacher, sat in a circle to read first drafts of their essays. The assignment was simple. Write about something you care about, something that you know, and something that could be useful to others who may read it. The first one up was a young man.… Continue reading Hit the Play Button
Yoga for Everyone
When most people think of yoga, they often imagine slender, hyper flexible women doing beautiful poses. OK, maybe that’s an exaggeration! But the idea out there for many is that yoga is for the fit and flexible and primarily young. This stereotype is worth shattering. It’s worth shattering because yoga offers those of us who… Continue reading Yoga for Everyone