Today I wanted to share one of the ways I work out that brings me the greatest pleasure. I usually do this a couple of times per week. The movement is simple and challenging all at once. It’s crawling. I’ve been crawling for some time, but it has especially become important as I have had… Continue reading Crawling for a Stronger Body and Healthier Brain
Category: Mind
What’s Your Relationship to Your Mind?
I was asked this question this week and was surprised. I had not asked myself before. The short answer is that it’s complicated. The longer answer invites the larger question of What’s my relationship to my body? Putting these two questions side by side, the mind and body can’t really be divided, put into a… Continue reading What’s Your Relationship to Your Mind?
The Meditation Practice is Tame
Hi everyone. I hope that as you bump into this post you are feeling well. I wanted to share a short clip from last week’s community yoga class. We started with a grounding meditation, allowing ourselves to settle in and slow down. This basic meditation practice can go a long way. It is quite tame… Continue reading The Meditation Practice is Tame
Soaking a Sponge in Honey
If you soak a sponge in honey, you squeeze it and honey comes out. If you soak a sponge in vinegar, you squeeze it and vinegar comes out. David Nichtern A student sent me a message letting me know that our school food pantry was working with Miami Rescue Mission collecting women’s sport’s wear along… Continue reading Soaking a Sponge in Honey
Happy Easter
I was thinking of my friend and mentor, Mac Smith, yesterday. He loved butterflies all the way to the end of his long and beautiful life. On one of my last visits with him he showed me around his yard and pointed out the caterpillars he was feeding and observing as they would soon metamorphose… Continue reading Happy Easter
What are we reciting?
Noticing the stories that run through our mind allows us to raise awareness and experience personal growth.
Fight, Flight or FREEZE
When faced with danger, animals have three basic responses. The first two are well known by most, but the freeze response is one that is often overlooked. Animals when faced with imminent death or extreme danger sometimes freeze and lose their ability to move. Think of opossums! This reaction sometimes confuses the predator, allowing for… Continue reading Fight, Flight or FREEZE
Permission for Ease
Asking ourselves what we need right now to be at ease is a simple and powerful practice to undo stress and tension that bogs us down.
Regaining a Connection to Ourselves
How are you treating yourself these days? Sometimes we demand so much of ourselves, that in the process we lose more than we realize.