10 Times

This week scientists reported new findings that suggest that our universe is far more complex and bigger than ever imagined.  As I stepped outside my yard this morning, the ground was still wet from the night’s rain. I looked down and saw a constellation of mushrooms and this small star reminding me that there’s beauty… Continue reading 10 Times


Every Monday through Thursday around 7-10 people get together to practice yoga in the oldest house in the Kendall area, the Dice House. This little house on the corner of Continental Park is not only a historical site, but now, over the past year, a place of refuge for those of us who get together… Continue reading Refuge

Practice = Neuroplasticity

Growing up I learned that the brain stopped developing once a person became an adult and overtime brain cells would die and the brain would atrophy. Needless to say, I did not have a positive view of aging. Fast forward to deep middle-age, and I’m experiencing something I did not expect in my late teens.… Continue reading Practice = Neuroplasticity

Craving Something Sweet

Find yourself craving something sweet? You are not alone. New research suggests that processed foods are as addictive as some hard core drugs. The food industry knows this and does not care if you are hooked. Kraft Foods spent $683 million on advertising in the US in 2012. (Source: Advertising Age) The consequences are disastrous,… Continue reading Craving Something Sweet

Categorized as Food, Mind

Crossing the Threshold

Dad, I can’t believe I’m moving. I know. These past two years have gone so fast. I’m not scared, but I feel anxious. You should. It’s a big step you’re taking. It’s something that will change you forever. So went the conversation my daughter and I had earlier this week as we talked about her… Continue reading Crossing the Threshold

Notice the Good

We often can  go through our day and miss the beauty in our surroundings. Today can be different. A simple practice today may be to expect wonder, to notice the good and beautiful, and expand the habit of joy. [tribe_events]

Costly to Body and Self

Change is something we resist. It makes sense. Change is often costly to the body and self. Resisting or avoiding rapid change seems instinctual or protective. As I’ve gotten older, I can see this more clearly. I often do things a certain way because it has worked in the past. When confronted with a different… Continue reading Costly to Body and Self