Fermented foods are good for us!
Category: Food
Salmon Patties
Try this delicious and easy to make salmon patty recipe.
Food in 2019
What we eat is the most feasible way we can impact our health. Think about it. You can do a lot of things to renew your health, but many of these, including stress reduction, are more difficult to reach goals. Eating, on the other hand, is something we do several times a day, and something,… Continue reading Food in 2019
Veggies and More
Earlier this year we partnered with St. Simon’s Farm to provide our Miami Firm Body community with fresh organic local produce at a reasonable price. We know that adding more greens to our diet is a good thing and doing so in community is even better. We are excited to announce that the the farm… Continue reading Veggies and More
Three Recipes for the Green Challenge
Week 2 of our Green Challenge is here. We hope you are enjoying the harvest and coming up with some delicious ways to incorporate all of the locally grown organic produce. Here are three more recipes that are tasty and that will help you incorporate some of the greens and veggies. You can find last… Continue reading Three Recipes for the Green Challenge
Recipes for Week 1 of the Green Challenge
We picked up our first box from the St. Simon’s Farm and are excited about adding more greens to our diet while celebrating local food, social entrepreneurship, and community. Here’s a not-so-polished un-boxing video of Week 1’s greens and veggies. (Maribel and I recently got a new camera, please be patient with us as we… Continue reading Recipes for Week 1 of the Green Challenge
Going Nuts for Cardiovascular Health
Cardiovascular disease has run in our family for generations. In my case, it was my mom. For Maribel, it was her dad. We both saw how this disease affected these beautiful souls and ultimately took their lives. Although both of our parents lived longer than expected, and did so thanks to modern medicine, numerous surgical… Continue reading Going Nuts for Cardiovascular Health
Fishy after 30
After the age of 30 the average sedentary person loses from 3 to 5% of muscle mass each decade. This may not sound like a lot, but four decades later and the losses accumulate to a total of 20%. The consequences are dire: falls, broken bones, hips, and ultimately loss of mobility and a stark… Continue reading Fishy after 30
Taking Care of the Aging Brain–The Green Challenge
In this post we want to come back to our Green Challenge and encourage you to participate and get excited about eating more leafy greens. The message about eating more greens goes back a long way. As a kid I remember watching Popeye get strength from eating spinach. As a Cuban kid raised on rice… Continue reading Taking Care of the Aging Brain–The Green Challenge