If you soak a sponge in honey, you squeeze it and honey comes out. If you soak a sponge in vinegar, you squeeze it and vinegar comes out. David Nichtern A student sent me a message letting me know that our school food pantry was working with Miami Rescue Mission collecting women’s sport’s wear along… Continue reading Soaking a Sponge in Honey
Category: Speech
I’m Muslim
Kindness and goodness are universal values that we can strengthen through practice.
Permission for Ease
Asking ourselves what we need right now to be at ease is a simple and powerful practice to undo stress and tension that bogs us down.
Years ago when our kids were young we took one of our many camping trips to the Smokies. We listened to “Howliday Inn,” the story of a vampire bunny. The highlight of the book was this little phrase that has stuck with us, “Adventure is good for the soul.” As we head back home, we… Continue reading Adventure
Toward Freedom and Joy
Our work at MFB at first glance looks quite physical, but, in fact, our main work has to do with our minds. (Primarily our own!) This is true when people come and workout with us and when they join us for our weekly yoga practices. Taking care of the body ultimately brings us back to… Continue reading Toward Freedom and Joy
The Gap
Between Muspell and Niflheim was a void, an empty place of nothingness, without form. So begins a Norse myth of creation as told by Neil Gaiman. The gap between these two places, one of intense cold and the other of fire and heat was called the Ginnungagap. This story became a grounding for our fall… Continue reading The Gap
National Symbols and Sensitivities
Remembering Elie Wiesel on his birthday–beautiful reminder, a timely one. “Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. Sometimes we must interfere. When human lives are endangered, when human dignity is in jeopardy, national borders and sensitivities become irrelevant. Wherever men or women are persecuted because of their race,… Continue reading National Symbols and Sensitivities
Look What I Found!
I walked to water the garden and noticed our banana plant getting ready to produce some very sweet fruit. It’s taken years for this plant to do this. We don’t use chemical fertilizers! As I admired the beauty, not just of the plant but of the whole process of bearing fruit, I could not help… Continue reading Look What I Found!
A Fuck Budget
Earlier this summer I watched a short Ted Talk on not giving a fuck. It was a great speech on decluttering the mind by realizing there is a limited amount of mental energy we have to expend on the things we do in our daily life. Sarah Knight, the speaker, described the importance of determining… Continue reading A Fuck Budget