Today I wanted to share one of the ways I work out that brings me the greatest pleasure. I usually do this a couple of times per week. The movement is simple and challenging all at once. It’s crawling.
I’ve been crawling for some time, but it has especially become important as I have had to address my elbow fracture three years ago. After the accident there was no way I could crawl, but over time, my capacity to hold myself up with my injured arm has returned.
I move slowly to make sure I am not stressing my elbow in a way that does not feel right. Doing so makes the crawling an even more powerful form of movement.
Crawling works on your calves, quads, glutes, shoulder girdle, core muscles, and muscles in your hips and feet. But it does more. Crawling activates the vestibular system of the brain, responsible for balance and our awareness of space.
As babies, crawling is crucial for brain development. As adults, crawling can help us regain not only the muscles necessary for balance, but the mind-body integration necessary for staying on our feet.
Additionally, “Emerging evidence suggests that the vestibular network expands into dimensions of emotion processing, mental health, and social cognition.” Crawling can help us stay more grounded, both physically and emotionally.
As a kid, I never believed I would make it past 50. My sense of impending doom came from losing my dad at an early age and seeing my mom struggle with heart disease from her mid-thirties all the way to her passing.
Now deep in my 50s, 55 to be exact, I realize I look forward to a long life, one where I can move and enjoy life to its fullest with people I love and love me back wholeheartedly.
Part of our work at Miami Firm Body is to encourage everyone we work with to see this possibility. We realize that it’s not that complicated to walk this path. This post points to one of the ways we can collaborate with life to help our bodies last until their proper expiration point.
Together with the other four, we think we have a good plan. Here are the basic five things that we believe can help us.
1–Eat healthy food.
2–Move fluidly and lift heavy things.
3–Sleep 7-8 hours most nights.
4–Reduce stress
5–Give and receive love.
The video clip has the move part. I hope that as you watch, you get inspired to think about your life and see how just a bit of these five elements can go a long way.
If you are interested in adding more movement in your life, join me for yoga every Monday and Thursday night from 7-8:15 PM. The class is for anyone interested in living as healthy as possible.