A little less self-improvement can go a long way toward happiness

It may sound counterintuitive, but a little less self-improvement can go a long way toward ease and happiness. Good morning everyone. I hope that when you read this short entry you are feeling well. Today’s post features our Thursday community yoga practice. The first couple  of minutes is a sitting reflection on self-improvement and comparison. … Continue reading A little less self-improvement can go a long way toward happiness

Categorized as Healing Tagged

MLK Day Yoga

Finish your MLK Day with community based yoga. If you have forgotten the link, here it is. We are living a historic moment where the same forces Dr. King confronted have gained the public platform of the US presidency–unleashing for the past four years violence and hate toward people of color, immigrants, and anyone and… Continue reading MLK Day Yoga

Categorized as Healing Tagged

Yoga and Anxiety


Years ago while teaching one of my Miami Dade classes I had a panic attack. I had never experienced anything like it. My vision narrowed. My heart raced. I gasped for air. My fingers turned cold. Thankfully, I  managed to dismiss class and walked out of the building to feel the warm and humid night… Continue reading Yoga and Anxiety

Categorized as Healing Tagged