
As I stepped out of the car this afternoon my gaze fell on a dried leaf. At one point it was green and full of life, an expression of intricate processes, a unique expression of the Hong Kong orchid tree in the corner of our yard. What remains is no less marvelous or beautiful.

Walk in

And I heard the still small voice whisper: The gate is open. There are no locks. Walk in.

Inviting Us In

After years of running most days, I’ve decided to give it a rest and instead walk. My motivations are varied. I’ve intensified my personal yoga practice in the last couple of months and realized that running tightens up my hips and hamstrings counteracting the benefits I experience on my mat. I also have been nursing… Continue reading Inviting Us In

Striving for Perfection

“We can stop trying to get something out of life. Striving for perfection, the compulsion to manufacture a perfect situation, is a habit with us. We are addicted to improving ourselves and our lives’ situations. But we cannot experience our true openness by improving ourselves. It is a bit like taking better and better care… Continue reading Striving for Perfection

Weekend Retreat

Peace and Joy! Last week you read about our upcoming weekend retreat. We wanted to follow up and encourage you to join us. Here’s what Maribel and I are offering: Ourselves: By the end of the retreat you will know us better and know what we do in order to care for ourselves physically, mentally, emotionally,… Continue reading Weekend Retreat

Dear Prudence

In a blink of an eye you are going to be my age, I told him. He swayed back and forth on the hammock he skillfully hung between the sea grape tree and a sturdy palm in our front yard. Allan looked at me with eyes I recognized not just as my son’s eyes but… Continue reading Dear Prudence

Categorized as Mind, Heart

Making Holy

A couple of weeks ago Maribel and I went to Shabbat service at Temple Judea with our friend Anne Freedman. It was a joyful service. How could it not be? The temple band calls itself “Rhythm and Jews.” As we worshiped together, I felt great delight at feeling  welcomed and at home at a house… Continue reading Making Holy

Categorized as Heart, Mind