End Times

When we come to the end, having loved and being loved makes all of the difference.

Categorized as Healing

Through Darkness

I read the following Tweet yesterday. The writer is an incarcerated individual who has a cellphone. They post from their prison cell. In all of the darkness of my incarceration, the most beautiful sound that cuts through it all is laughter. The resilient human spirit is an awe inspiring thing. — RailroadedUnderground (@RailroadUnderg1) October 13,… Continue reading Through Darkness

Relief from Pandemic Fatigue

Pandemic fatigue, anyone? Yup. I, too, am struggling. It’s been a while since I’ve written a blog post. I have all sorts of things to write about but I can’t seem to get myself to do so. Today I’m putting this post out there as a message in a bottle. I’m not sure who will… Continue reading Relief from Pandemic Fatigue

Categorized as Healing

Fight, Flight or FREEZE

When faced with danger, animals have three basic responses. The first two are well known by most, but the freeze response is one that is often overlooked. Animals when faced with imminent death or extreme danger sometimes freeze and lose their ability to move. Think of opossums! This reaction sometimes confuses the predator, allowing for… Continue reading Fight, Flight or FREEZE

Yoga Share from June 19

Do what you can to come back to yourself, your heart, your body. Yoga practice is like the breadcrumbs in the forest leading us back home.

An 8 Minute Morning Yoga Practice

Taking a couple of minutes to root ourselves is a powerful practice. This short video takes your through a Sun Salutation A and B. This flow is a wonderful way to start the day.