There’s no 3-step-process to change a lifetime of stressful living. There is a way, however, to transform mind-heart-body. We can begin today in that process. Join us.
Tag: #wellness
Meditation Practice on Sunday, March 22
Hi there. The past days have been ones of intense fear for most of us. Like a storm battered shore, fear comes at us like wind and waves. For us who have hurricane experiences, the house is rattling and we don’t know how long and if the structure will hold. At a time like this,… Continue reading Meditation Practice on Sunday, March 22
Strength, Capacity and New Perspectives
Sometimes our world turns upside down and the best we can do is find our balance, use our strength and capacity to notice new perspectives, adjust our approach, and embrace fully new possibilities. I was able to use @lucasrockwood ‘s yoga trapeze today, the first time since my accident. I like this image because you… Continue reading Strength, Capacity and New Perspectives
Years ago when our kids were young we took one of our many camping trips to the Smokies. We listened to “Howliday Inn,” the story of a vampire bunny. The highlight of the book was this little phrase that has stuck with us, “Adventure is good for the soul.” As we head back home, we… Continue reading Adventure
Barcelona and Grateful
Six weeks ago we did not see ourselves enjoying Barcelona. As we took in this beautiful city today, I could not help but feel gratitude for the opportunity to share with my family. Life is difficult and incredibly delicious and wonderful. via Instagram
Love Guides
As we left Gainesville this morning, we could not help but realize that wherever we are, we are given an abundance of guidance, reminding us not to fear, to trust, and to act with confidence, strength of conviction, and love. Love guides and marks the path, even when the path is only one step, unclear,… Continue reading Love Guides
Ozzie’s Favorite Pose
Ozzie enjoying savasana with everyone tonight at the Dice House. View on Instagram
On the Road to Recovery
Stiches are off, and I have a new Gators cast, and a new set of exercises until the next visit. Celebrating love and healing–not two different things. On the road to recovery! Thank you all for your prayers and encouragement! View this post on Instagram A post shared by Miami Firm Body (@miamifirmbody)
Going through life’s challenges together makes even the most difficult of times less of a strain. We travel back today for a follow up visit with my surgeon in Gainesville. Grateful for everything I’ve learned these past three weeks. Most grateful for the enormous amount of love I’ve experienced. View this post on Instagram A… Continue reading Together