I started physical therapy this week. I’ve been waiting eagerly for this moment in my healing process. I’m so excited and grateful! As I’ve had my arm worked on, I’ve realized that I can approach the therapy as a yoga practice where I explore and befriend sensation without judgment and expectation. This past Thursday I… Continue reading Physical Therapy and Yoga
Tag: motivation
Years ago when our kids were young we took one of our many camping trips to the Smokies. We listened to “Howliday Inn,” the story of a vampire bunny. The highlight of the book was this little phrase that has stuck with us, “Adventure is good for the soul.” As we head back home, we… Continue reading Adventure
Not Going There
We are in one of the most beautiful cities in Europe but today’s picture is not an architectural gem but a message left in a bathroom stall. Wisdom calls out in the streets and beckons us to possibility, creativity, and our full potential–all of which finds the fullest expression in our love for each other… Continue reading Not Going There
Love Guides
As we left Gainesville this morning, we could not help but realize that wherever we are, we are given an abundance of guidance, reminding us not to fear, to trust, and to act with confidence, strength of conviction, and love. Love guides and marks the path, even when the path is only one step, unclear,… Continue reading Love Guides
Ozzie’s Favorite Pose
Ozzie enjoying savasana with everyone tonight at the Dice House. View on Instagram https://ift.tt/2lbGphy
Yoga after Bicycle Accident
I led my first yoga practice at the Dice House last night. Four weeks after the accident, I found myself back in our neighborhood yoga community surrounded by friends and neighbors and a whole lot of love. As I started the class, my heart filled with gratitude. What an incredible privilege it is to practice.… Continue reading Yoga after Bicycle Accident
Intention and Effort
Opening our hearts, engaging our core, standing firm on what is became the basis of our warrior practice yesterday afternoon with a group of amazing FIU students. We keep coming back to the importance of training and strengthening, not just our muscles but our whole self. I’m so grateful that as I wait for bones… Continue reading Intention and Effort
Forgiveness Bell
“Forgiveness is the virtue of the brave,” my Instagram friend, @warith_me, quoted on his post this morning. Forgiveness is also the undoing of all stories of separation and judgment. In the Indian epic poem, The Ramanaya, Ram (God) asks Hanuman, ‘Who are you?” His answer helps us better understand the path of forgiveness in yoga. He… Continue reading Forgiveness Bell
Courage and Love
I was scheduled to teach a stress reduction yoga meditation class for six weeks at FIU, but given my accident, it was unclear I would be able to do it. It was a class that I thoroughly enjoyed last year. Not teaching would have been another loss for me. Thankfully, I was discharged from the… Continue reading Courage and Love