Yoga for Everyone

When most people think of yoga, they often imagine slender, hyper flexible women doing beautiful poses. OK, maybe that’s an exaggeration! But the idea out there for many is that yoga is for the fit and flexible and primarily young. This stereotype is worth shattering. It’s worth shattering because yoga offers those of us who… Continue reading Yoga for Everyone

Recipes for Week 1 of the Green Challenge

We picked up our first box from the St. Simon’s Farm and are excited about adding more greens to our diet while celebrating local food, social entrepreneurship, and community. Here’s a not-so-polished un-boxing video of Week 1’s greens and veggies. (Maribel and I recently got a new camera, please be patient with us as we… Continue reading Recipes for Week 1 of the Green Challenge

Going Nuts for Cardiovascular Health

Cardiovascular disease has run in our family for generations. In my case, it was my mom. For Maribel, it was her dad. We both saw how this disease affected these beautiful souls and ultimately took their lives. Although both of our parents lived longer than expected, and did so thanks to modern medicine, numerous surgical… Continue reading Going Nuts for Cardiovascular Health

Fishy after 30

After the age of 30 the average sedentary person loses from 3 to 5% of muscle mass each decade. This may not sound like a lot, but four decades later and the losses accumulate to a total of 20%. The consequences are dire: falls, broken bones, hips, and ultimately loss of mobility and a stark… Continue reading Fishy after 30

Taking Care of the Aging Brain–The Green Challenge

In this post we want to come back to our Green Challenge and encourage you to participate and get excited about eating more leafy greens. The message about eating more greens goes back a long way. As a kid I remember watching Popeye get strength from eating spinach. As a Cuban kid raised on rice… Continue reading Taking Care of the Aging Brain–The Green Challenge

The Green Challenge

We are excited to announce a 12-week challenge starting February. The challenge is all about eating more greens, celebrating community, and embracing possibility. The idea came to us as we spoke to Moses Kashem at the St. Simon’s Farm not too far from our house. Moses has created a beautiful organic farm in the middle… Continue reading The Green Challenge