No Kilts Necessary


Every week we have one or two new people join our yoga practice at the Dice House.  I’m always impressed by people who come for the first time. There are so many reasons to stay home instead of walking in to a yoga class for the first time. Too often, the first thing I hear… Continue reading No Kilts Necessary

Saturday Yoga in Paradise


There’s a thousand ways to kiss the Earth Rumi writes in one of his poems. This is one of them I remind myself.  Our’s is a practice of gently surrendering, and in our devotion, discovering ourselves more fully.

Wordless Poetry

I love Wednesday afternoons. I get a chance to take my Miami Dade College students to the WOW Center near our campus. There, we spend time together talking, playing games, and just being. I make it a point to take pictures. When I look at these, I  always feel moved by the wordless poetry we create as… Continue reading Wordless Poetry

Categorized as Heart


As I stepped out of the car this afternoon my gaze fell on a dried leaf. At one point it was green and full of life, an expression of intricate processes, a unique expression of the Hong Kong orchid tree in the corner of our yard. What remains is no less marvelous or beautiful.