Regaining Trust

When there was a break in our rainy weather today, I got a chance to walk our yard. We live in a tropical hardwood hammock. As I turned the corner of our lot, I smelled the familiar damp earth, the gumbo limbo, oak, and mahogany leaves decomposing mixing with the oxygen exuding from the trees.… Continue reading Regaining Trust

Growth after Trauma

By the time my students reach my classes at Miami Dade College many of them (research shows from 66 to 85%) have experienced a traumatic lifetime event. These events range from the death of a loved one to physical and sexual abuse. These numbers clearly go up as we get older. I see this as… Continue reading Growth after Trauma

Why Practice?

I was perplexed as I looked down the street from us and noticed one of our neighbors mow his lawn. We had just emerged from our boarded houses. Days before we were worried South Florida was going to disappear into the arms of a Hurricane Irma. He carefully mowed his lawn leaving perfectly parallel lines… Continue reading Why Practice?

Categorized as Yoga, Mind

Yoga for Everyone

When most people think of yoga, they often imagine slender, hyper flexible women doing beautiful poses. OK, maybe that’s an exaggeration! But the idea out there for many is that yoga is for the fit and flexible and primarily young. This stereotype is worth shattering. It’s worth shattering because yoga offers those of us who… Continue reading Yoga for Everyone